Zidane planned to retire – but his headbutt keeps him not only in the worldwide media but also made him intersting for funny advertising and stuff. So it might just take a few more days, until you can buy some headache tablets with his face…
The Irish Travel Agency SteinTravel now uses poor Zinedine Zidane for an advertising of their newsletter:
[via whoateallthebratwurst.com]
And this one is even better. I just recieved the link via Email from Markus who found it at whoateallthebratwurst.
BTW: What would we talk and blog about, if Zidane hadn’t run crazy…?
We’d probably end up talking about what a great player he was, Cristiano Ronaldo must be glad he is now no longer the World Cup’s biggest cheater.
Also you can see what people talk about at http://www.steve-walker.blogspot.com ;)
13. Jul. 2006 | #